Speaking Engagements
Since the release of Graham’s book “Safe Return Doubtful” he has been in demand on the speaking circuit with an audio visual presentation of his Mawson’s Hut Antarctic expedition. Graham talks about the benefits of stepping outside your comfort zone “stepping outside the square”. This subject is a great motivational tool for corporations and small companies alike who want to inspire and motivate their staff. He talks about going on an expedition on a tiny fibreglass yacht into Antarctic waters and the life and death struggle in the great Southern Ocean especially when this was his first time on a yacht. Graham’s other incredible adventures around the world make him a must for any future function.
Graham is a retired businessman who still owns one of the largest private companies in the Hunter Valley employing more than 100 staff and over 25 contracting companies. He built his business from the very start by taking risk and seizing every opportunity that came his way and working closely with his customers. Today he travels, writes and is a tireless worker for local charities within the Hunter Valley.
For many years he has generously given his time freely to speak at Rotary, Lions and Probus clubs as well at many schools throughout the Hunter Region. He says “Regardless of age you can never be too young or old to be motivated to try something different or new, push the boundaries and don’t be afraid to fail.”
After reading his book of this incredible expedition you will want to hear his story first hand. Feel free to call him at any time.

Speaking Testimonials
It gives me great pleasure to write about my experiences in using and listening to Graham Murphy as a speaker. The most recent event was earlier this year when he came to the regular meeting of our CEO Peer Mentoring Group, The Executive Connection in the Hunter Valley. Graham spoke on his trip to Mawson’s Hut and he certainly had the audience captivated.
Comments from my members included “motivational and inspiring’, ‘I learnt what can be achieved by stepping outside your comfort zone’, and one that is very relevant, ‘I learnt that I have no desire to travel to Antarctica by sailing boat.’
This is the fourth time I have heard Graham give his talk and they have all been in different settings. The first was to the staff of a Credit Union in a conference room with about 30 there. This I believe was his first talk. The second was at a conference that I was chairing and there were over 500 in the auditorium of a major casino. Next one was at a Rotary Meeting where Graham knew almost if not all the people in the room. This last one was in a board room of a business.
I each setting, Graham showed his versatility to adapt to his audience and was able to build the drama of his venture and able to get his sense of humour through to each of the differing audiences, something that is not easy to do.
Graham has been known to me for many years now, but that is not the reason I have written this testimonial. My role as Chair of TEC 48 means I chair a monthly meeting of CEOs. Their time is extremely valuable and if I am not able to give them value for money for the time spent each month, then I have failed in my job. I certainly did not waste their time when they attended the meting at which Graham spoke.
Bob Kerr. Chair TEC 48